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Big News! Health Net is Now Available Through Claremont Insurance!

Why Choose Health Net?
Lowest rates in the market – Affordable options without compromising quality.
Robust PPO network – Competes with major carriers like Anthem and Blue Shield.
Flexible HMO options – Networks to fit nearly every group statewide and every budget.
Simplified underwriting – Only 25% participation required for groups with 5+ enrolling. No DE9C or prior carrier bill needed.
Easy-to-sell benefits – $0 deductible HMO plans + four years of rate stability.
Nationwide coverage – Cigna network access for out-of-state employees + state plurality rules for group qualification.

Start Including Health Net in Your Quotes Today!
Need guidance on networks, plan designs, or have questions? We’re here to help!

Call us at 800.696.4543 | Email us at

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ACA/Healthcare Reform

Why are some small business Blue Shield contract holders getting a small rebate relative to the total premium amount they paid in 2015?

In 2015, some groups’ Blue Shield plans were regulated by the California Department of Insurance (CDI) for 11 months and by the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) for one month.  Blue Shield only owes rebates in DMHC-regulated plans for 2015.  For these groups, Blue Shield will pay a rebate for the one month their plan was regulated by the DMHC.

Qualifying 2015 Blue Shield Small Business plans for a MLR rebate are as follows:

Platinum Full PPO 0 DMHC

Platinum Full PPO 150 DMHC

Gold Full PPO 0 DMHC

Gold Full PPO 750 DMHC

Gold Full PPO 1000 DMHC

Silver Full PPO 1250 DMHC

Silver Full PPO 1700 DMHC

Bronze Full PPO 4500 DMHC

Bronze Full PPO 3000 DMHC

Silver Full PP HSA2000 DMHC

Bronze Full PPO HSA3500 DMHC

Bronze Full PPO HSA5500 DMHC

Platinum Access+HMO $25 DMHC

Platinum Local Access+HMO $25 DMHC

Platinum Trio ACO HMO $25 DMHC

Gold Access+HMO $30 DMHC

Gold Local Access+HMO $30 DMHC

Gold Trio ACO HMO $30 DMHC

Silver Access+HMO $55 DMHC

Silver Local Access+HMO $55 DMHC

Silver Trio ACO HMO $55 DMHC

Bronze 60 PPO Mirror DMHC

Platinum 90 HMO Network 2 Mirror DMHC

Platinum 90 HMO Network 1 Mirror DMHC

Gold 80 HMO Network 2 Mirror DMHC

Gold 80 HMO Network 1 Mirror DMHC

Silver 70 HMO Network 2 Mirror DMHC

Silver 70 HMO Network 1 Mirror DMHC